I tried so much, but I just can't do well in JC! We have solutions for you!
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WE Development
Content written by:
Christy Lee
Last Updated:
9 June 2021 at 2:58:01 am

It is often easier said than done.
Most students face similar problems with doing well despite putting in an immense amount of effort. It is important not only to work hard but also to work smart. Here are four common problems faced and how to resolve them!
1) Listened without understanding
2) Expectations (Planned) VS Reality (Executed)
3) Practice did not make improvement
4) Ineffective consultations
1) Listened without understanding
"I have been listening attentively to lectures, but I still cannot understand the lecture's explanation and the concepts in general."
----- What can I do? -----
- Paying attention during lectures is important. However, most students often neglect the importance of pre-lecture preparation.
- Are you reading your lecture materials beforehand? It allows you to understand the flow of the lecture. This way, you can follow the lesson better.
- Identify the part of the notes that you are unclear of. Listen to that portion more closely during the lecture. If the environment setting disallows you from raising personal doubts, have your queries answered after the lecture or during consultations.
2) Expectations (Planned) VS Reality (Executed)
"I do plan my study schedule, but I tend not to achieve what I set out to do at the start. The plan is just not feasible."
----- What can I do? -----
- What time intervals are you using to plan your studying schedule? A monthly one might be too long-term to be feasible. Avoid such long-term planning as it will be difficult to account for impromptu situations like a sudden Co-curricular Activity (CCA) meeting after school.
- Plan realistically, not ideally.
- Daily planning allows one to consider different factors (like upcoming tests and time left in a day) to plan feasibly. Weekly planning allows one to see the week's objective at a glance and push one to work harder each day to complete the week's goal.
3) Practice did not make improvement
"I did a lot of practice papers and questions; no visible result is seen."
----- What can I do? -----
- Do you attempt to identify patterns in the numerous questions you do? Identifying these patterns allows you to apply the same concept to seemingly different questions.
- Note down questions you find tough to solve so that you can revisit them before your examinations to keep the solving concept fresh in your mind.
4) Ineffective consultations
"I actively scheduled consultations with my teachers, but I do not find them helping with my understanding."
----- What can I do? -----
- Have you beforehand conveyed to your teachers what you wish the session's main focus to be? This allows your teachers to plan the consultation in a way that caters to your needs.
- Is it a conceptual problem or a context-specific question? Pre-consultation preparation by you is definitely required. Ensure that you have identified the questions you have doubts about.
- Never go to a consultation empty-handed.
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